Welcome to the Cincinnati Division 7
of the Mid-Central Region (MCR)
of the National Model Railroad Association (NMRA)
We're offering an exciting new benefit for our new and not so new members - Cincinnati Division 7 Orientation Events. Our next session is at 7 pm on March 26, 2025 at the American Legion Post 72 Hall in Mt. Carmel, Ohio.
Attending this event will accelerate your join-up and fun in both the NMRA and the hobby by sharing the multitude of benefits, opportunities, and resources available, while also providing collaborative interactions with Division 7 leaders and experts. See the Oil Can for more details.
Please contact Chuck Endreola for more information at chuckendreola@yahoo.com or 440-823-7374
Our 4th Annual Family Picnic is 1-5 pm on Sunday, June 8, 2025 at Fernbank Park, next to the Ohio River. This event replaces our regular meeting in June. This is a fun-filled family and hobbyist gathering, featuring great food, fellowship, games, prizes and our "main event" Trivia Team Contest. Only $10 per person, with Division 7 picking up the rest! See flyer and map.
Attendees must register before June 1, using this flyer. Registrations limited to the first 100 people that sign up. Don't miss this fun event! Contact Registrar Roy Hord with questions. Contact Chuck Endreola to donate any modeling or general interest items to our door prize raffle.
We're offering an exciting new benefit for NMRA Div 7 members - the Model Railroading Roundtable (MRR) program. Small groups of modelers gather in a local home or meeting place and learn a new model railroading skill. Those that have mastered the skill host and assist the group to develop that skill in a one-to-two hour session.
The program started in early 2024. Several topics are being offered and developed. Those interested in hosting a session can contact Sam Swanson at nwindes1980@gmail.com to propose a topic and timeframe. Sign-up announcements for each class will be published in the The Oil Can. See the Modelers Aid page for more details, including a useful pdf attachment.
Our Division 7 Video Team is documenting the incredible EnterTrainment Junction (EJ) indoor G-scale model railroad and family entertainment facility with both video and still photography. As part of that effort, John Burchnall has compiled a slide show of 120 of his photos of EJ. You can view those at the bottom of the Area Layouts page under the Modeler Tips & Services tab. A convenient slide viewer there runs automatically at 2 seconds per slide (4 minutes total) or manually. Click here to go to the Area Layouts page.
Division 7 has a YouTube channel and team that posts videos featuring the modeling skills of local model railroaders. The channel includes member submitted content as well as material created by the division video team. Please check out the channel and subscribe. See also the Layout Videos page on this website for more information, details and featured postings. Those interesting in joining this team should contact David Lamb or Bob Adams. For your enjoyment, here are direct links to recent team video productions:
John Listermann's HO Scale B&O Railroad Part 2
John Listermann's HO Scale B&O Railroad Part 1
Sam Parfitt's HO Scale Great Northern Railroad Part 2
Sam Parfitt's HO Scale Great Northern Railroad Part 1
If you are new to the NMRA and elect to join via the special 9 month "Rail Pass" discount membership offer, you have an opportunity unique to Cincinnati Division 7. Since March of 2023, once you renew to a regular membership, Division 7 will reimburse you for your cost of your "Rail Pass" membership. This is currently a $19.95 value. See the Membership page for more on this.